Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why change agents should prepare draft documents/discussion papers

In Mar-11, Prof Anil Gupta(of 'Shodh Yatra', Honeybee network etc fame) addressed a group of us IIM-A students, on the possibility of launching a course geared towards discussing, analyzing and impacting Indian/international politics in a non partisan apolitical way. During that discussion, one thing of his struck me as quite important-the suggestion that preparing draft laws/frameworks allows quick action to be taken when the circumstances are ripe. For instance, he said that in the present scenario(Mar-11), with plenty of angst against corruption in Govt dealings, the time was ripe to pass a comprehensive law to put an end to corruption. But because there were no documents ready for discussion, he felt that the time was fast ebbing away. I feel that this applies to the corporate world as well, and explains why consulting firms/investment bankers spend to much time on documents which may be too ahead of their time.

Though oral/email communication have their own place, nothing beats a concrete, well written document which charts the way forward for a transaction/policy/law etc. Writing being something which few people are good at, and fewer having the time/objectivity to write well, the person who can produce a solid good draft can slant it his way; and can also shift the onus on the others to raise any issues-which by inertia they may not. Also, if any issues come out, they can only improve the draft because it would become more robust, and also people will support it once their inputs have been considered. Also, one cannot exactly circulate an email chain/telephone call transcript; and therefore a document beats them hands down in this aspect.

So what is the takeaway? By all means drum up support for your proposed change, but do flesh out a written document giving sufficient time to comment/react. While allowing for reactions(avoiding unpleasant surprises later), others would be grateful to you for getting the documentation out of the way. If you hate it, get some one who likes that work.

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