Friday, November 18, 2011

The Vocabulary premium-part 2

The limits of my language are the limits of my world-Ludwig Wittgenstein(Philosopher)
Earlier, I blogged on the importance of vocabulary( This post takes those sentiments forward, as I take a break from completing those umpteen assignments in the twilight days at IIM-A.

As a kid, my parents and teachers emphasized the importance of having a good vocabulary. What I am today, is significantly attributable to my reading habit, which stoked a virtuous cycle of curiosity driven reading. Yes, I did miss out on watching the TV serials/comics and other junk, but I think it was a good bargain. Of course, for some periods in between, I did get addicted to fiction, which then became a hobby. Thankfully, that hobby did not break the mental concentration and interest necessary to complete a non fiction book. I know people who can spend the night reading the latest best seller, but get bored of reading a non fiction book after just 30min. And that is NOT because of the dry writing style.

While any kind of reading will improve vocabulary, some kinds of reading are better than others for that purpose. Reading biographies, classics and the kind of stuff which could be mandatory school readings; not only improve vocabulary but are also time tested ways of boosting critical thinking and analytical skills. Therefore, do not think that reading that pulp fiction bestseller will confer that vocabulary premium, but do widen your reading,

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