Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why politicans should make good managers

Those who have studied organization structure(right from Robbins onwards) agree on the pivotal role of organizational politics. To rise to the top level, besides competence and luck, one does need a very good ability to navigate organization politics. In both India & USA, several politicians have strong business interests/affiliations, which often predate their entry in politics. Indian examples are the Reddy brothers of Karnataka, Maharashtra sugar barons, Dhanbad coal mafia, Goa ministers, Jindals etc, while USA examples would cover a large chunk of the House of Republicans. So why does this happen? Below are some ideas
  • Sociologists hold that where people need to divide limited resources among themselves, they start politicking to maximize their share. Whether the arguments be rational('economics'), spiritual('religion'), social('democracy') or by force('muscle power')-politics is the common strain. This limited resources fight is true for organizations as well. 
  • The trend in India is to build a coalition of friends(and a few enemies) to keep out the common foe. These coalitions navigate several minefields, but are the way ahead in India atleast. Even in organizations, the manager needs to coordinate various functions, and have them work in harmony, or atleast work on the coalition model of acting on common minimum program(organization goals). Even outside the organization, the tendency to form alliances is now growing beyond the technological world, and entering areas like auto(Renault-Nissan) and pharma.
  • By playing the divisive politics card of caste/region/creed etc, politicians instinctively know how to divide and rule. This skill would serve them well in organizations, where under the pretext of 'segregation of duties/maker checker concept', different sub units are designed to check and neutralize each other's over reach.

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