Thursday, May 24, 2012

Indian Broadcasters Federation rips apart TRAI in its consultation paper response

Handling regulators is a fine art-be it appealing adverse orders, indulging in regulatory capture or responding to draft policies. Judging by its response to the Indian telecom regulator TRAIs proposal to cap advertisement time per clock hour on pay TV channels, the Indian broadcasters federation(IBF) pulls no punches and has gone for the jugular using some very cuastic language. Read the full response here( but some sample paras indicate the frustration of the writer and leave the reader in no doubt about the angist felt by the association. Whoever the person is, great job done! Just sample some paras
  1. not only an attempt of regulatory overeach but also of regulatory oversight
  2. ..reflects a basic lack of understanding of the business model of the broadcasting industry
  3. We will not attempt to catalogue all the errors in the description...instead..
  4. No rationale has been given for the same except the traditional TRAI mechanism of drawing a golden mean between two unrelated figures
the rest of the response is a bit more temperate but on the same lines. If any brave soul wants to respond to regulatory proposals adversely affecting them, the extent of research done here and the caustic remarks here are a role model for use, but not advisable to be repeated given the potential to piss off the regulators, which can affect business in any market, let alone a highly regulated one like India.

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